Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Digestive system Mechanical digestion- mouth teeth, stomach Chemical digestion- stomach, small intestine Hydrochloric Acid made by stomach lining Enzymes: Amylase in saliva breaks down starch in the mouth; Pepsin breaks down proteins into small peptides in acidic stomach Many enzymes made by the pancreas break down all carbs, proteins and nucleic acids in small intestine until they are small enough tobe absorbed. Bile salts break down fats into small droplets to be absorbed by the lymphatic system. Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, colon, anal sphincter. Only the first two and the last are voluntary. The rest moves involuntarily by peristalsis. The large intestine absorbs water, makes vitamins and forms solid feces. Purpose to break down food mechanically into small pieces then break down polymers into monomers so they can be absorbed by diffusion into the circulatory system. Excretory system: homeostasis of blood fluids and nutrients/wastes. Kidney filters out molecules from the blood such as urea (nitrogenous wasete), water, sugar, and salts. By diffusion, and sometimes active transport, the kidney nephrons reabsorbs necessary molecules (water if you are dehydrated, sugar if you are hypoglycemic). Waste molecules or excess molecules are sent to the bladder for storage, then out the urethra when you excrete (pee). Hormones like ADH help to regulate water balance and protect from dehydration. Circulatory system delivers nutrients throughout the body and collects CO2 and delivers O2 to all cells. Arteries move blood away from the heart. Veins bring blood back to the heart. There is a pulmonary circuit for gas exchange to the lungs, and a systemic system that moves blood throughout the body. Capillaries are small and are where exchange of gas nutrients or wastes. Each cell of the body is no more than a few cells away from a capillary. The heart has 4 chambers: the right atrium which collects blood from the body, the right ventricle which pushes blood to the lungs, the left atrium that collects blood from the lungs and the left ventricle that pushes blood out to all parts of the body. Muscles in the arms and legs help to push blood back to the heart (why you must stay active for good circulation in the legs). Skeletal and muscular system work together for movement. Voluntary muscle is striated. Involuntary muscle/Smooth muscle is not. Muscles move in pairs- examples are: biceps and triceps tendons attach muscle to bone - ex. achilles tendon heel bone to calf muscle. ligaments attach bones together Nervous system The central nervous system consists of the brain and the spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system consists of sensory neurons (nerve cells) and motor neurons. Sensory neurons pick up stimuli messages and send them to the spinal cord, they go through the spinal cord and out to the motor neuron to move your muscle in an instant response. This path is called the arc reflex. Another message is sent to the brain to activate the thought process to interpret what information was received and how to further respond to it. The arc reflex is autonomic and not under your control (e.g. flinching or the rubber hammer to the knee at the Dr’s office).

Thursday, May 30, 2019


you are responsible for recognizing climate latitude rainfall and types of organisms found in each biome. polar Desert, tundra , boreal/tiaga, deciduous temperate forest,grassland, desert, tropical rainforest, marine

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

coral video quest

Coral reef symbiosis Watch the video: Exploring ecosystems- Coral reef symbiosis Pause the video at spots where requested and in groups of three, discuss and write down your predictions. 1. A. What type of relationship is there between the bubble-tipped anemone and the clownfish? B. What is the relationship between the butterflyfish and the anemone? 2. A. Given the data at the first pause ( at time= 2:05), what mathematical relationships (biotic factor about the distribution of organisms) do you see between the two species? ______Bubble-tipped anemone to ____ clownfish B. Give a reason why it is that ratio is not 5 to 1, or 4 to 1. 3. A. Based on the new data for year 2014 and 2015 at the second pause ( at time= 2:51) predict the number of clownfish. B. Where do the rest of the clownfish go? C. Discuss why they do not distribute 3, 4, or 5 clownfish to each anemone. 4. A. What is the mathematical trend for the entire set of data between temperature (an abiotic factor) vs. anemones; and temperature vs. clownfish? B. Which do you think is directly affected by the temperature, the fish or the anemone? C. As temperatures rise how will this affect the food chain? D. Will the population of white tipped sharks be affected? Give a reason why or why not. 5. A. At minute 3:21, why is the white tip shark not aggressive toward the bluestreak wrasse? B. What kind of relationship is this and why? C. How does the shark know not to eat this fish? 6. A. The saber-toothed blenny looks like a cleaner wrasse, but what is it’ s relationship to the larger fish? B. Is it a coincidence it looks the cleaner wrasse? Give an evolutionary reason how this could have occurred. C. This color pattern of the saber-toothed blenny is known as what? 7. Watch the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tZuxZdG6TfM A. What is coral and which organism(s) is it made from? B. In the nutrient poor shallow waters of the ocean that contains coral, what is it that the coral are able to eat? C. From where does 75%- 95% of the food for coral originate? Where does most of the energy come from? D. Where are the producers found in a coral reef? E. What give coral its different colors? F. What kind of relationship exists between symbiotic algae and the coral polyps? G. Because they also eat zooplankton, they are also a __________________ consumer. H. Reason as to what trophic level coral are on. Are they actually producers or first or second level consumers? Youtube: Parrotfish Critical for Healthy Coral Reefs A. What do parrotfish eat? B. Does that make them good for the reef system or bad? C. What abiotic factor do they contribute to the reef that the tourists enjoy? D. Are they first level consumers or second level consumers? Explain. 8. Find the you tube video: Parrotfish Critical for Healthy Coral Reefs A. If parrotfish eat the healthy coral, then how does overfishing for them cause the reef to die off? What role do the parrotfish play in keeping the reef alive and growing? B. How did cores of ancient coral, tell the story that the more parrotfish there were, the better the reef grows? What is the evidence given? 9. Coral Bleaching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZfGIKiSwwQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kNB-2AgIMIE A. Find what factors are causing coral bleaching? B. When corals bleach what happens to make them lose color? C. How would this affect the productivity of the reef system? D. Using information from the previous videos explain. https://www.marinebiology.org/coralbleaching.htm read

Friday, April 12, 2019


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqbH40Y9XJw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIJK3dwCWCw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DFN4IBZ3rI

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Thursday big quiz based on bacteria virus worksheet (also friday videos)

https://www.facebook.com/itsokaytobesmartpbs/videos/why-vaccines-work/2367895250146148/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rb7TVW77ZCs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqbH40Y9XJw

Thursday, March 21, 2019

test Friday on Evolution covered so far

Darwins theory and conditions for natural selection to occur. Evidences for evolution (esp whale video, mouse video) process of natural selection selection patterns reproductive isolations both pre and postzygotic DNA comparisons for find how closely related organisms are evolution vocab...alleles, mutation, macroevolution,microevolution,extinction, speciation polygenic, adaptation, vestigial, artificial selection, natural selection,population, species reproductive isolation, descent with modification, adaptation, adaptive radiation, natural selection, fitness, sexual selection, directional selection, stabilizing selection, disruptive selection, artificial selection, geographic isolation, homologous and analogous structures, selective pressures.Fossils (get older the deeper they are found), geographic isolation and behavioral isolation seen in finch video directional selection seen in finch video.