Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Khan academy take notes and try the quiz quiz yourself... 4 problems:

Monday, October 22, 2018

Test tuesday and enzyme fill-in practice

Test on : The structure of DNA and how it is Complementary. Enzymes characteristics and regulation. Digestive enzymes and where they are found in the human body organs. Enzyme lab. Graphs and two types of questions. Test your knowledge of enzymes here Enzymes are important in chemical __________ . They make them go faster and produce a lot of product, especially for living organisms. Enzymes are a kind of ________ made up of a string of ________ acids. They vary in composition and number of these building blocks, so that they all have different and very specific shapes. Generally the shape is a __________ shape. The shape is important because of the other molecules that attach to it at the ________ ________. This is the place where the enzyme does its work. The __________ is/are the reactants in the chemical reaction. And form a __________-___________ complex when they come together. The substrate causes a small conformation change that helps in the chemical reaction. This is called the ____________ fit model for enzymes. The change is caused by the functional groups of the substrate interacting with the functional groups of amino acid ___ ________s or side chains. Enzymes can change their shape under various conditions. For example if it is too _______ or cold, too basic or too ______. This will result in the change of shape of the enzyme, otherwise known as de______ing the enzyme. This results in an enzyme that works slowly or -_____________________ . This is bad news for an organism, especially warm-_______ organisms like us. Our metabolism requires that our _______ be working at a high rate of speed to take apart molecules that are dangerous; or building molecules that we need. Building molecules is known as __________, a type of metabolism. Taking apart large complex molecules is known as C___________, or H________ because it requires water, and is part of our digestion process. Enzymes are very important in digestion. One dangerous product that sometimes form in organisms is Hydrogen peroxide- H2O2. We have peroxidases to get rid of them. These are enzymes and we know this because enzymes end with the letters ___. Our experiments showed that the enzymes are found in living things, we found ours in the ________, the storage tuber of a plant related to the tomato. These enzymes are found in abundance in our liver. Without them H2O2 could not be broken down into _____ and _______ . Our experiments also showed that enzymes do not work as well in cold / warm conditions, which would explain why things don’t grow as well in extremely cold weather.. The enzyme stops working when acids are added, you can tell because there is less _______ produced. Bases have the same effect on enzymes, in both cases the enzyme is ___________ so that the active site is changed and the substrates / products won’t fit any more. Cooking the potato changes the ________ in the potato so they can’t break down H2O2. Reaction rates most often are __________ at first, and then _________ towards the end because_______________________________. If there are more than one enzyme responsible to make a chemical or to completely break it down, then we call it a ___________ pathway. If one enzyme in the series is missing, nonfunctional or shut off then the whole pathway is shut off. If there is a ________ in the DNA that codes for any of the enzymes nonfunctional then there is no product made. If a product fits into the ___________ site of the enzyme , then it is called a competitive inhibitor. The greater the _________ of product the ___________ less product is made. This works as a ___________ feedback loop that is reversed by ___________________, then more substrate can be broken down. If a product fits on a site that is not the active site then it is an _________ inhibitor, or __________ inhibitor. When the product fits onto the other site it causes a ______________ change that changes the shape of the active site. Poisons often attach to an ______________ site and if they permanently attach they are called an ________________ inhibitor. _______________________ occurs when an enzyme has more than one allosteric site. An inhibitor causes all the sites to be ____________ , and an _________________ causes all the active sites to be open, giving a quicker response .

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

How do enzymes work?

check out the video and the info on enzymes and quiz in the student resources