Tuesday, January 10, 2017

final study guide

Study guide honors Biology semester 1 Chapter 1 Characteristics of life Controlled experiments How to write a lab Different graph types Microscopes Chapter 2 Structure of an atom Ionic compounds or covalently bonded molecules Structure of water and Properties of water cohesion adhesion tension pH scale acids neutral and bases carbon compounds (organic substances/biomolecules/macromolecules/polymers) Carbon is the central atom in the structures and allows for many structures due to its 4 bonding sites Carbon atoms in compounds are an indicator of living organisms CHNOPS are most common atoms in living things and are indicators that there is an organic life source 4 categories of polymers and their monomers glucose starch glycogen cellulose starch proteins enzymes amino acids fats oils lipids fatty acids nucleic acids DNA RNA nucleotides eukaryote prokaryotes and viruses viral reproduction organelles structure and function flow of information in cell to produce and transports proteins and other molecules the structure and function of the cell membrane diffusion osmosis facilitated diffusion active transport isotonic hypotonic hypertonic equilibrium against the gradient with the gradient phagocytosis pinocytosis endocytosis exocytosis general body systems and their organs and function C 35-39 or online summary limits to cell growth 240-243 essay possibilities differences and similarities of Eukaryotes and prokaryotes differences and similarities plant and animal cells differences and similarities in active and passive transport differences and similarities of bacteria and viruses IDEE format Labs Enzyme lab with hydrogen peroxide SA/vol cube lab Diffusion and osmosis labs biomolecule ID lab

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