Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Wed 23rd alert for quiz

There will be a quiz the next time we meet on populations in ecology. including: density dependent factors; density independent factors; herbivory; predation, prey; pray; intra-specific competition; inter-specific competition; r-selected; k-selected; extinct ; extirpated; extant; realized (niche); fundamental (niche); commensalism; parasitism; mutualism; fecundity; mortality; specialist; generalist; competitive exclusion principle. also in the future prepare to answer this: The area adjacent to or in the Blackstone River has a unique community and set of conditions. Topic development: Describe the ecosystem with respect to 3 abiotic factors or range of conditions found there, and draw a labeled diagram of an existing food chain at least four trophic levels. Body (Three short paragraphs): Discuss or give evidence as to how factors can change populations: • A factor that could reduce the productivity of the river or its surroundings. • A factor that could increase or decrease the population of herbivores. • What is likely to happen if a keystone species is extirpated. Conclusion: Reasoning as to why biodiversity and populations are important to the health of an ecosystem.

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