Thursday, November 15, 2018

3-D Cell Project Make a 3-D model of the assigned cell (prokaryote-bacteria, eukaryote-animal, or eukaryote-plant). Use pictures of cells to get the proportions and shapes of the organelles correct. Have a section cut off of it so that we get a look inside. All appropriate organelles and membranes must be represented. Use pins and flags to ID the parts of use a key on the side. You will be graded on content, accuracy, grammar and artistic creativity. Make it colorful and artistic, make sure you can resolve the different structures. It should be about the size of a shoe about 11”-12” long, or about the size of a shoe box. Written portion: Make sure to define and /or describe the structure and the function of any of the structures that are found in your assigned cells. Include the terms: selectively permeable, cellular respiration, photosynthesis, bilipid, fluid, digestive, heredity, mitosis, protein synthesis, assembly, support, movement, secretion, convoluted, surface area, chemical reactions, specific chemicals that they use for structure and energy storage. Due after break

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