Monday, March 11, 2019

objectives chapter 18 and 19 this week finish

1. Describe the fossil record 2. State the information that relative dating and radioactive dating provide about fossils 3. Identify the division of the geologic time scale 4. Describe how conditions on early Earth were different from conditions today 5. Explain what Miller and Urey's experiment showed 6. State the hypotheses that have been proposed for how life first arose on Earth 7. Identify some of the main evolutionary steps in the early evolution of life 8. Describe the key forms of life in the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras 9. Explain how living things are organized for study 10. Describe binomial nomenclature 11.Explain how evolutionary relationships are important in classification 12. Identify the principle behind cladistic analysis 13. Explain how we can compare very dissimilar organisms 14. Explain the condition necessary for a new species to evolve 15. Describe the process of speciation the Galapagos finches

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